Some thoughts on positive Leadership Traits & Principals.
Hat tip to Note: We redacted it just a bit… PS: Castra Praetoria were the ancient barracks (castra) of the Praetorian Guard of Imperial Rome (under Tiberius).
Core Values
Honor: Hold to the highest standards, ethically and morally. Respect for others is essential. Expect to act responsibly in a manner befitting the title you have or will earn.
Courage: Courage is not the absence of fear. It is the ability to face fear and overcome it. It is the mental moral and physical strength that must be ingrained. It steadies us in times of stress, carries us through every challenge and aids us in facing new and unknown confrontations.
Commitment: Commitment is the spirit of determination and dedication found in us all. It is what compels us to serve our country and our service. Every aspect of life in service shows commitment, from the high standard of excellence to vigilance in training.
Leadership Traits
Justice - Giving reward and punishment according to merits of the case in question. The ability to administer a system of rewards and punishments impartially and consistently.
Judgment - The ability to weigh facts and possible solutions on which to base sound decisions.
Dependability - The certainty of proper performance of duty.
Integrity - Uprightness of character and soundness of moral principles; includes the qualities of truthfulness and honesty.
Decisiveness - Ability to make decisions promptly and to announce them in clear, forceful manner.
Tact - The ability to deal with others without creating offense.
Initiative - Taking action in the absence of orders.
Endurance - The mental and physical stamina measured by the ability to withstand pain, fatigue, stress and hardship.
Bearing - Creating a favorable impression in carriage, appearance and personal conduct at all times.
Unselfishness - Avoidance of providing for one's own comfort and personal advancement at the expense of others.
Knowledge - Understanding of a science or an art. The range of one's information, including professional knowledge and an understanding of your Marines.
Loyalty - The quality of faithfulness to country, the Corps, the unit, to one's seniors, subordinates and peers.
Enthusiasm - The display of sincere interest and exuberance in the performance of duty.
Leadership Principles
• Know yourself and seek self-improvement.
• Be technically and tactically proficient.
• Develop a sense of responsibility among your subordinates.
• Make sound and timely decisions.
• Set the example.
• Know your charges and look out for their welfare.
• Keep your charges informed.
• Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions.
• Ensure assigned tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished.
• Train your charges as a team.
• Employ your command in accordance with its capabilities.
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