25 June 2009

CTWG: CT Budget Crisis!

At this time, the State of CT is locked in an epic budget battle. Unfortunately, CTWG has been hit in the crossfire. Presently, our CTWG State funding has been reduced to ZERO!

Its time to ramp up the voices. We request all members, senior and cadet alike write to your state senator and representative to let them know what CAP does and what the state will loose if they do not fund CTWG. We have a very spartan budget of only $39,400.00. This is the greatest bargain CT has ever had.

So far, the representatives contacted have been very positive with regard to restoring our funding. We still need to contact more! To this end, last Friday a group of seniors and cadets visited the CT State Capital and handed out flyer's to the Representatives explaining more about what we do. The visit was received very well.

Still, there are no promises. PLEASE, we still need you to write your representative and senator! For impact, don't email - write them in hard copy and mail it! We are having very positive responses to this approach.

Follow this link to see who represents you: http://cga.ct.gov/asp/menu/cgafindleg.asp

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